Booking sessions
You can book individual sessions or a block of sessions in advance. Usually we will try to offer you the same day and time every week.
How long will sessions take?
You will meet with your therapist weekly or fortnightly. You may have between 5-30 sessions, depending on the issues you want to work through. Appointments will be around 60 minutes long. EMDR sessions may be slightly longer and can be a standalone intervention or as a small part of a longer course of therapy.
Where does therapy take place?
Therapy and coaching sessions can take place in person or by video call, telephone call is also an option however it can be helpful to be able to see on another therefore video or in person would be preferable.
What to expect in sessions?
Sessions will involve checking in with your mood, feedback from how you feel sessions are going, setting tasks for you to do outside session and reviewing these and working towards goals which you identify with your therapist. The sessions will enable you to explore issues and the therapist will assist you in working through things in a structured way. The therapist will teach you skills and methods for approaching issues that will enable you to address any problems and change things in a positive way.
Information discussed in sessions is confidential, we keep records of our discussions and you may keep your own notes if you wish. The records are held securely in line with the legal direction and GDPR around holding personal information. Confidentiality could be breached if there was an immediate concern about your safety or the immediate safety of other people or children.
What to do if you are unhappy with your sessions?
We encourage openness and actively invite your feedback at regular intervals. Having said that if you have concerns about the service you receive then we have a complaints policy that outlines how you concerns will be addressed, if you wish to make a formal complaint please do this in writing.
Failure to attend sessions and cancellations
If you are unable to attend a session that you have booked, we ask you to let us know as soon as possible. When signing up for therapy, we will send you a therapy agreement that outlines how to do this.
Session Fee’s and payment
Session fee’s can be found in the pricing structure. Payment is preferred either prior to or immediately on completion of session, sessions can be block booked and paid for in advance. Payment should be made using either BACS or PayPal.
Getting in touch
If you need to get in touch with us then in the first instance please use our email address, the email is not monitored constantly and as we will often be in session it may take me a little time to get back to people but we will endeavour to reply as soon as I am able to.
How effective is therapy?
The therapies we offer at Fortitude have been tested out and found to be an effective treatment, they are recommended by an organisation called NICE which looks at all the different research for healthcare interventions and makes recommendations about which work the best.
Will my problems go away forever?
Problems can come back but CBT will give you tools to help manage this if it happens. Part of your therapy will focus on how to manage difficult situations in the future.
Getting help in an emergency
There are a number of ways to get help in crisis or outside of appointment times. If you are concerned that you are unable to keep yourself or others safe then consider accessing he services below:
Speak to your GP or medical practice
Call NHS 111
Get in touch with your local community mental health or mental health crisis team
Attend the emergency department
Call the Samaritans on 116 123
MIND has some helpful resources on how to cope in a crisis
Text SHOUT to 85258 for mental health support
- has resources for making a safety plan
How can I get more information?