Compassion Focussed Therapy
Compassion Focussed Therapy (CFT) is a useful adjunct derived from the principles and theory of CBT. It is a therapeutic approach that is focussed on developing a compassionate approach to oneself and others in order to help emotional recovery.
CFT can be helpful in treating a whole range of difficulties related to low mood, anxiety and self-criticism, anger, low self-esteem or shame. Often self-criticism and a negative view of oneself can underpin common mental health problems and be a barrier to recovery, sometimes it can mean that some therapeutic approaches are not always effective or problems come back again time after time.
Using CFT in therapy can help overcome barriers to recovery, it can be used as part of a bigger package of therapy to make the most out of the approach or it can be used as the main approach. CFT can be a really helpful way to support people in preparing for therapy, learning to look after themselves, be kinder to themselves and self-care so that the challenge of therapy is more manageable.
CFT can help break destructive habits such as self-criticism, over burdening and a lack of self-soothing skills, it uses exercises to help develop the ability to soothe and create a safe space for even the most highly critical individuals. In developing these skills it enables people to use traditional CBT techniques more effectively and at a deeper level.